Today, Atos revealed that it had been chosen to join the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe for 2022. Atos is one of the top three businesses in the “TSV IT services” sector of the 2022 DJSI Europe Index. Atos once again showed excellence in the three categories that were evaluated: environment, economy, and social. Atos has been ranked as one of the best-performing businesses in the world and in Europe for ESG for eight years running (Environmental, Social, Governance).
Atos is in the top 1% of the IT Services Industry with a total score of 85 in the 2022 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), an increase of 2 points from the 2021 result.
To comply with the updated SBTi Net-Zero standard criteria, Atos realigned their net zero commitments. Its short-term goal of cutting global GHG emissions in half by 2025 has been reaffirmed, and its long-term and net-zero goals have been strengthened to achieve 90% reduction by the latest in 2039 (scopes 1, 2, and 3 of the 2019 baseline) and to offset the remaining 10% of emissions through carbon sequestration projects.
Atos recently made a number of strides in the sustainability field. With the release of a comprehensive range of solutions, it recently announced its expanded collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help businesses advance in their decarbonization journeys. This Atos portfolio, which is offered on the AWS marketplace, enables AWS clients all over the world to assess, measure, track, reduce, and offset their carbon emissions with the help of experienced consultation services.
Atos and its ecosystem of partners discussed their collaboration to build sustainable technology with ACUD (the Administrative for Urban Development, in charge of developing the new Egyptian capital) and DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) at the Tech for Climate Summit, which was held in Sharm-El-Sheik at the beginning of November. Atos also discussed its project to develop a distinctive proof of concept for a sustainable and smart city in downtown Cairo.